31. May 2024
Performance (YTD) 4.5%
Funding Ratio 120.3%


In addition to variable mortgages, Swissport Pension Fund also grants fixed mortgages to beneficiaries and third parties.

We will be happy to advise you personally and develop individual solutions according to your wishes. We offer attractive conditions with the Swissport pension fund.

Call us to arrange a no-obligation consultation on +41 43 210 18 38 or send us an e-mail at sophie.bovier@pfs.ch.

We look forward to hearing from you.

WEF advance withdrawals and pledges for home financing purposes

Any PVS insuree who is not yet drawing a pension is entitled under Swiss occupational pension scheme law to use part of their pension savings to finance the purchase of their own home. Such financing can take either of two forms:

  • an advance withdrawal to pay part of the purchase price involved, or
  • pledging a savings amount as additional security for the lender/creditor concerned.

For further information on the options for using PVS savings for home financing purposes, please contact your PVS Customer Adviser, Tel. +41 43 210 18 14.

Form and further information